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How to Pinch All the Pennies You Can When You're Pregnant


After finding a touching quote to put alongside the picture of your ultrasound or positive pregnancy test, you post the update, letting family and friends know you’re expecting. Congratulations come pouring in, and you breathe a sigh of relief. You knew that quote would really get them. Then you get a message asking if you already have a crib, a diaper bag, a breast pump, onesies, andloads more stuffthat Safe Ride 4 Kids expands on. When you begin Googling a few of the items, you may discover they’re much, much more expensive than you had anticipated. At this point, it’s normal to feel a little overwhelmed, but there are ways of staying within a budget while buying the supplies you and your baby are bound to need.


Oftentimes relatives are more than happy to drop off bags and boxes full of used baby clothing, equipment, and toys. While it might be time-consuming to sift through the hand-me-downs, think of all themoney you’ll saveon things that baby will outgrow in mere months or weeks. Do keep in mind the things you should never buy used, such as a car seat and crib.

Thrift Stores

Baby tutus, suspenders, and onesies with funny sayings are adorable, but most of the time these aren’t a necessity and should be passed over if you’re on a budget. However, you can work around this by visiting Bellies & Babiesfor something just as clever and much less costly. While you’re there, go through the rest of the aisles in search of the equipment you’ll inevitably need postpartum.Some itemsto keep an eye out for are:

· Baby baths

· Strollers/carriers

· Burp cloths (or fabric you can cut up and use as such)

· Bottles

· Swings

· Baby blankets

· Diaper bags

When it comes to thrift stores, it’s all about the finds and savings. However, there are some tricksyou can learn to help you save even more. Visit thrift shops in small towns (inventory can run high here) and try shopping in the middle of the week to get better options.

Sales, Coupons, and Rebates

There’s always an option to save when it comes to new items. Baby On Board stickers are handy, but these aren’t a necessity. They should be in the same section of the store as the car seats, though. Unless you’re using a friend or family member’s old car seat and know it was never in a vehicle accident, and have thoroughly inspected the car seat, it’s safer to buy new. Luckily, there’s always a way to save, and select brands offer mail-in rebates, while stores like Target offerlimited-time trade-insfor discounts on new car seats or strollers.

When you’re shopping around for rebates online or in store, search for coupons, upcoming sales, and opportunities totry out free samples. Hair ties are 75 percent off? Yes, please. You’re going to want to keep these stockpiled in your diaper bag.

Say you’re redoing your topknot and the hair tie snaps on the last twist. No big deal now, but imagine the same scenario as a new mom. You’re probably sleep-deprived and can’t remember when you last washed your hair. Stock up on the hair ties, along with other much-needed diaper bag items, such as T-shirts, an extra pair of leggings, and hand sanitizer.

To Stay Within a Budget, You Have to Make One

No matter how many lists you consult, there will always be something else you have missed. What you think you need won’t align with anyone else’s list, since you decide what’s important and know what your finances are. Having said that, sit down and create/revisit your budget. This is the only way to start saving for the unavoidable costs of pregnancy, like checkups, vitamins, expanding wardrobe to match the stages of pregnancy, and the delivery of the baby.

Expecting a baby is a big deal, and it pays to have a solid budget in place before your new bundle of joy arrives. So, in between planning the nursery, spend some time tightening up your finances so you won’t have to worry about finances during this incredible time of your life.

If you have any questions before visiting Bellies & Babies, call (703) 518-8908!

Photo viaPixabay

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