Note from the Owner :
To my Bellies & Babies and Del Ray Family –
It is with a heavy heart that I am letting you know that Bellies & Babies will be closing our doors on December 15, 2024. As you know, this decision has not been easy as this is not just a business, but a labor of love and a community founded on everything each of us loves about Del Ray – bring there for one another.
We have so appreciated your support through all of the ups and downs and I want to extend my personal gratitude to those who worked with me to try to identify a new future for Bellies & Babies. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to find the right team to continue Bellies & Babies at its current location and as such, must move on and close the store. However, there are some people working to keep the spirit of our business alive and you can sign up below by clicking link below to receive information about Future of Bellies and Babies. We aren’t sure what the future of this location holds, but I am excited to see the next chapter of this important space in our neighborhood.
And, with every cloud, we are always seeking that silver lining. We have an incredible amount of inventory for your growing families and starting on Tuesday, November 19, we will be discounting all of our clothing and gear. Here are some important dates to keep in mind.
Closed Thanksgiving November 28
Black Friday Outdoor Bin Sale and Clear Out Sale November 29, weather permitting
Small Business Saturday Outdoor Bin Sale and Clear Out Sale November 30, weather permitting
Last day of operation December 15,2024
Come by, check things off of your holiday list, say hi – and help us celebrate the incredible journey we’ve shared. I know our paths will cross in new and meaningful ways.
With heartfelt thanks,
Lee Raynes
A special note for my consigners. As noted above, inventory will begin to be discounted and prices will continue to be reduced as we get closer to December 15, 2024.
If you would NOT like any of your inventory to be discounted, please pick up your items as soon as possible.
If you would NOT like any of your unsold inventory to be donated, then they MUST be picked up no later than Dec 15,2024.
Settlements will be issued upon request up until December 31st but not after.